Discover the delectable world of Jenny Bakery. Indulge in mouthwatering butter cookies, lovingly crafted by Auntie Jenny. Shop now at Jenny Bakery for irresistible treats and delightful gift options. Taste the perfection!

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Heart for the cause

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In 2005, Auntie Jenny discovered her passion for baking when she began making butter cookies for her loved ones. This hobby soon blossomed into a thriving business when she opened her first cookie shop in Stanley, Hong Kong. Naming the shop after herself, Jenny Bakery quickly became famous for its melt-in-the-mouth butter cookies.
To make her cookies even more special, Auntie Jenny packaged them in adorable teddy bear biscuit tins, earning them the nickname “smart bear cookies”. These tins have become a beloved symbol of the brand, and are changed regularly to prevent counterfeit.
Over the years, Jenny Bakery has garnered a massive following,

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