Wondering if Safelicenses is a reliable choice for your online purchases? Trustprofile offers detailed insights into their trustworthiness, covering everything from contact details to customer reviews. See what Trustprofile has found about Safelicenses and decide for yourself if it’s a safe place to shop.
We have checked the internet for available sources that can tell you if this webshop is trustworthy. We present all these sources combined into a single TrustProfile.
Reviewed by you
Have you purchased from a webshop with a TrustProfile? We kindly request you to share your experience with a review on this page. These experiences are shown publicly to inform potential customers of the webshop’s customer service.
TrustProfile is completely independent. Our goal is to make e-commerce safer. We do not ask our members a high fee because we want all webshops to be able to join our cause.
When you use the internet, you run the risk of encountering malware or viruses.
Webshops earn this badge by having their webshop checked and have a valid SSL certificate.