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Koffie Kenner
Bij ons vind je een uitgebreide collectie van specialty coffee, afkomstig van de beste branderijen uit Nederland. Elke koffie in ons assortiment voldoet aan de hoogste kwaliteitsnormen en biedt een smaakervaring die verder gaat dan gewone koffie.
The assurances of https://koffiekenner.com
This contact information was found.
- Website
- https://koffiekenner.com
- Address
- Kanaaldijk-Noord 111, 5642 JA Eindhoven, Netherlands Visit by appointment only
- Phone
- 0630693605
- Company name
- Koffie Kenner
Legally checked
Checked annually on legislation.
An annual approval covers webshops for changes in legislation, it ensures that the webshop is completely up to date regarding the rules.
This badge is unlocked when a webshop has been checked recently.
Mediation available
Affiliated with an external dispute committee.
Members of a disputes committee are able to offer consumers a binding decision, when necessary, for a dispute.
This badge shows that this webshop can indeed offer this.
Submit dispute
Submit dispute
Safe browsing
Webshop has been scanned for malware and has SSL.
When you use the internet, you run the risk of encountering malware or viruses.
Webshops earn this badge by having their webshop checked and have a valid SSL certificate.