Can’t add sitejabber and google maps to external sources.

DWQA QuestionsCategory: IntegrationsCan’t add sitejabber and google maps to external sources.
Joseph Rickards asked 3 years ago

Hello, I can’t add sitejabber and google maps to external sources dashboard.

Here is the link to our sitejabber reviews:

Here is the link to our Match Guaranty on google maps.

I tried using For sources from Google “click here”, entered business name but nothing happened, I also tried going by place ID, it didn’t work as well.

Our google maps:

Our Place ID


Can you please help us add google maps and sitejabber to external dashboard so we can gather all our reviews in one place?

1 Answers
ismail Staff answered 3 years ago

Dear Joseph,

Good to hear that you want to add more external sources to your profile.

Unfortunately, Sitejabber is not currently supported and therefore cannot be added.

To add Google as an external source, an address must be added to the Google Businness page. This address should match the address in our dashboard. Currently, the address is not yet visible on the Google Business page and can therefore not be added.